Full Time - North Thompson Ecumenical Shared Ministry

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The Bishop of the Territory of the People is seeking to appoint an Ordained Minister for the position of full-time priest/pastor/minister for the North Thompson Ecumenical Shared Ministry a two-point shared ministry in Clearwater and Barriere BC.  This ecumenical shared ministry process of the three sponsoring denominations (United, Anglican, ELCIC) is under the leadership of the Anglican Bishop.  Ministry Personnel from all three denominations may apply and the selection will be based on denomination practices by the joint leadership team.

The setting for this ecumenical shared ministry is in the heart of the interior of BC. Our back yard is an outdoor oasis with mountains, rivers and stunning views. We may be small, but the quality of life and an enthusiastic two-point parish eagerly awaits your arrival. We seek a seminary trained, ordained priest/pastor/minister who is a gifted leader with a heart and passion for working within a Shared Ministry setting or is willing to learn! Shared Ministry/Ecumenical relationships are very much a part of the future of the church. Join the movement and grow with us! This individual will lead worship and sacramental ministry under permission of all three denominations.

Ministry Personnel from any of the sponsoring denominations are encouraged to apply and show evidence they are in good standing in their own denomination. Denominational representatives will work together to select the most suitable candidate and will provide mentoring from the appropriate denominations.

To request a copy of the Parish Profile: