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The ordination of Jo-Ann Hinter in an iconic little white church on a beautiful sunny day in Lillooet, this shared ministry of St  Mary’s Anglican  and St Andrews United impressed this writer as an idealic setting for this special ceremony.

Jo-Ann greeted the well-wishers with a nervous smile and a hug.

The family joined in the procession with Bishop Barbara, several priests and deacons as Jo-Ann started the next leg of her journey of faith. Bishop Barbara Andrews opened the service with a few inspiring remarks. I was touched to note that Kaela & Hunter Harding , Jo-Ann’s  granddaughters were chosen to read the first lesson & the Psalm. The sermon was given by the Reverend Danny Whitehead.

Presenting Jo-Ann for ordination were Rev. Danny Whitehead, The Captain Rev. Isabel Healy-Morrow, Rev Cannon Dan Krausert, Jo-Ann’s son Matt Harding, Jeanne Berdan and Marnie Dunbar. The congregation then affirmed their acceptance of Jo-Ann for ordination and their willingness to uphold her in her duties. The ordinand is then examined by the Bishop and answers each question with a firm I will.

Jo-Ann then knelt as the Bishop and presenting priests laid hands on her.  The new priest was then vested with the order of priests and she was presented with a Bible, a Chalice, and Patten, as is given to each newly ordained priest.

The order of obedience was then signed after which The Reverend Jo-Ann Hinter was presented to her congregation with tears in her eyes .

This milestone ceremony was followed by a meal fit for a queen. Cudos to all Jo-Ann’s Parish family for their herculean efforts in preparing this feast.

 Submitted by: Shirlee Browett

 take a look at some pictures as Bishop Barbara ordained the Rev. Jo-Ann Hinter to the priesthood amidst her present congregation of St. Mary the Virgin/St. Andrew Shared Ministry in Lillooet on Wednesday, September 14 at 5 p.m.  

This transition marks another important point on a long journey for Jo-Ann. Congratulations to Jo-Ann and the parish.