Thursday, March 23th, 2023
Dear Territory Parishes and Assembly Delegates,
Thank you for your prayers, patience and ongoing support during the Electoral process in the Territory of the People. Since our last piece of correspondence Coordinating Council has approved a timeline for the Episcopal Election and summons an extraordinary session of the Assembly.
The election of the second Bishop for the Territory of the People is scheduled for Saturday, September 16, 2023 at St. Paul’s Cathedral, Kamloops.
Assembly Delegates will be invited to arrive on Friday evening for prayers and a reception and stay through Sunday morning for worship together at the Cathedral. A full registration package will be sent from the Territory Office along with the Call for Nominations in May.
Members of Assembly who will attend the Electoral Assembly are those that were recently elected by congregations at their 2022 Annual Vestry Meeting. All licensed clergy are voting members for the Electoral Assembly as defined in Policy 1.1. Lay, Youth, and Indigenous delegates if, for any reason, you are unable to attend, please advise your clergy to ensure that an alternate delegate can be secured.
Please note that this is a change in which delegates will attend the Assembly from the previously scheduled April Assembly.
Attached with this letter is the new timeline for the Episcopal Election.
If you have any questions, please contact me at or at
Yours in Christ,
Melissa Green
Chair, Territory Electoral Committee