Notice is hereby given for the First Assembly / Annual General Meeting of the Territory of the People to be held on April 27, 2018 in Cache Creek.
This year is the “between year” of our full Assembly which will take place in May 2019, and our Assembly which allows us to meet the requirements of the BC Society Act to hold an annual meeting each year.
As set out in our new Territory Constitution we have made Coordinating Council and its spring meeting (April 27th ) the Assembly, and the delegates to this Assembly, are the members of Coordinating Council who were elected at Assembly 2017.
All are welcome to attend but only the members of Coordinating Council will have a vote. The business before this Assembly is limited to:
1. The Adoption of the minutes of 2017 Assembly
2. The acceptance of the audited statements
3. The appointment of the Auditors for 2018.
We anticipate this Assembly will last about ½ hour. All regular business will be dealt with at our full Assembly in 2019.
Please see attached Notice...