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A New and Growing Community

The Territory of the People is experiencing new life in Spences Bridge. Since Easter of 2024, Reverend Linda LaGroix of St. Alban's Ashcroft has been leading a monthly service in Spences Bridge, the home to some of her parishioners. This service has become so popular, that their Christmas service saw a congregation of 25 people, all who stayed for a meal afterwards. 

This sparked dreaming amongst the congregation, and at the Annual meeting of St. Albans (and in consultation with Bishop Clara) the parish of St. Alban's entered into a covenant of support for the community that will be called "St. Hilda's Mission Parish". 

This past Sunday, Dean Kyle joined the community of St. Hilda's to offer encouragement and support.  The formal establishment of St. Hilda's will occur on March 23rd when Bishop Clara attends this growing and vibrant community.